East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust wants to securely exchange medical information with you

Log in by entering the one-time password you have received in your email inbox for address (le*************@uk*********om).


How do I get a one-time password?

You should have received an email from East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust . When you click on the ‘Click here to start’ button in that email, a unique, one-time password is generated and sent to your secondary email address. Please, use that password to log in.

What if I haven’t received the one-time password?

It might take a couple of minutes to receive the email with the one-time password. Please, also check your spam or junk email folder.

If the email hasn’t arrived in 10 minutes, please contact East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to ensure your secondary email address on file is correct.

How do I get further assistance?

If you have problems logging in, or have other queries, please contact East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust directly by using the contact information below.

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Telephone no.:
Email Address:

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